9:30 am11:30 am

Saturday, November 11
Sherwood Community Centre – 6355 Main Street West

Prizes will be awarded for the Club Tournament Champions! Elections for the new Board of Directors will also take place if required. Bowling and food at Champs to follow ~noon ($10/person).

The Nominating Committee is comprised of:

Susan Kitamura — [email protected]

Ghalib Riaz — [email protected]

Isaac Miller — [email protected]

Please contact any member of the Committee if you are interested in serving your tennis club/community. We are looking for experienced individuals who understand not for profit business, who are avid tennis players/fans, who want to collaborate on a fun team.

Roles and Responsibilities are documented in our constitution located: https://miltontennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/MTC-Constitution-26oct2019.pdf

Please find the positions available below:

Past President : Jeff Truswell
President : Susan Kitamura
Vice Pres: Abegail Cabio
Treasurer: Ann Santos
Public Relations; Susan Chen
Adult Director; David Fairfax
Facilities: Teo Glinnyi
Secretary: Ghalib Riaz
Membership: Open
Social: Open
Junior Director: Open
Assistant Junior Director (under 18 yrs): Open

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Annual General Meeting & Year End Social